Review of the Pose Method by Ian Campbell

August 2017: An Introduction to the Pose Running Method

A few weekends ago, I had the pleasure of attending an introductory course to the Pose

Method of running, led by Albert Lu. I was joined by my sister (an interested runner), and a local

Crossfit gym owner/coach. The entire introductory course took approximately 2.5 hours, and

both started and ended with Albert analyzing the group’s running patterns. Before going over my

personal experience and perspective on the clinic, a short review of the Pose Method may be


Originating from the mind of Dr. Nicholas Romanov, the Post Method was developed in

1977 to allow runners to go further, run faster, and hurt less. Dr. Romanov, an exercise

physiologist, analyzed the running form of hundreds of elite runners in the late 1970’s. After

analyzing their patterns, he summarized their movement into three main phases: the pose, the

fall, and the pull, thus forming the basis for the Pose Method.

The pose is the specific bodily position one must take prior to the fall, which is

essentially allowing gravity to move the body forward in space, and lastly the pull, which gets

the runner back into the first initial pose position. It’s that easy, right? Just assume the pose, let

your body “fall” forward, and resume the initial position with the “pull” movement. Wrong. This

alteration of bodily position whilst properly controlling the right amount of forward fall proved to

be quite difficult. See below for the three phases of the Pose Method for running.

My immediate feeling after trying a few laps was one of hesitation. The Pose Method felt

quite unnatural, and in a lot of ways, made me expend a greater amount energy compared to

my default running method. So how could a running method that so unnatural allow me to run

faster, longer and stay injury free? Albert explained it all came down to the pull.

The vast majority of runners are “pushers”, meaning they rely on a primary pushing force

to propel themselves forward in space and cover a distance on ground. Constant reliance on

this push requires a greater amount of energy, which fatigues us sooner, thus bringing a greater

potential for injury via overuse, etc. However, when we trade in our pushing strategy for a

pulling one, we activate different muscles and in combination with the fall phase, we remain

upright during running. Remaining upright, as opposed to continuously leaning forward, helps to

conserve energy through less muscle activity. In other words, I just assume the pose and let

gravity do the rest. Clear as mud? I thought so too, until I started performing some of Albert’s

pre-running drills. The drills helped to reinforce all the things I was concentrating too hard on,

and similar to a staircase, allowed me to arrive at a better vantage point step-by-step.

Overall, I enjoyed the clinic and thought it provided a unique perspective on movement

related to running form. Am I ready to apply the Pose Method of running to my next race? Not

exactly, because like any new skill, it must be practiced heavily prior to its mastery. If you’re

interested in learning a new technique for running, give Albert’s program a try. This review is

just an introduction, just as the clinic was meant to be, and thus further time is needed to both

learn and effectively apply the Pose Method.

